Diksha MultiSolution

Society Registration

PAN card.
Residential Proof.
Covering letter.
Address Proof.
List of the members of the society.
Self-declaration from the president of the society.
Duly filled society registration form

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    It is having perpetual status, i.e even if a member leaves or is replaced with a new member, the entity remains functioning


    Society is a separate legal entity. It can buy, sell, rent or lease any property, borrow money, enter into contracts using its name.

    Societies are most simplest form of non government organisation, carrying out its activities for non profit purpose. Charitable societies may contain following:

    the military orphan funds or societies established at the several presidencies of India,

    societies established for the promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts for instruction,

    the diffusion of useful knowledge, 1 [the diffusion of political education],

    the foundation or maintenance of libraries or reading-rooms for general use among the members or open to the public or public museums and


    galleries of paintings and other works of art, collections of natural history, mechanical and philosophical inventions, instruments, or designs.